
Articles under category: Theories.

What is cognitivism?

Cognitivism is a learning theory that emphasizes the mental processes of acquiring and using information. It acknowledges how the mind receive, store, process, and retrieve knowledge.

[ No Comments ] Posted by Greten on 10 Jul 2023 under Terms, Theories

A brain in a jar surrounded by gears and computer circuits.

Seven myths about elearning programs

Elearning revolutionizes how people learn, but lingering misformation makes some learners and instructors hesitant to adopt elearning. This entry debunks some of these misconceptions.

[ No Comments ] Posted by Greten on 05 Jul 2023 under Theories, Tips

A pharaoh using a laptop in the style of ancient Egyptian mural

Taxonomies of psychomotor educational objectives

The taxonomies of psychomotor educational objectives are closely associated with and inspired by, although not developed by, Benjamin Bloom or his team. This entry will cover Dave’s taxonomy, Harrow’s taxonomy, and Simpson’s taxonomy.

[ No Comments ] Posted by Greten on 04 Mar 2023 under Terms, Theories

A man aiming a javelin to a flying dragon

Bloom’s taxonomy of affective educational objectives

The affective domain is the second domain of Bloom’s taxonomy. It comprises five levels that focus on the learners’ attitudes, values, and emotions: receiving, responding, valuing, organization, and internalization. Like, the cognitive domain, each level has verbs associated with it.

[ No Comments ] Posted by Greten on 27 Feb 2023 under Terms, Theories

Cupid preparing to take his aim.

Bloom’s taxonomy and revised taxonomy of cognitive educational objectives

Bloom’s taxonomy guides educators in developing learning objectives. The six levels of the cognitive domain and their associated verbs help educators create purposeful learning objectives that encourage learners to be creative and think critically.

[ No Comments ] Posted by Greten on 25 Feb 2023 under Terms, Theories, Tips

Close up view of three darts hitting a dartboard.

What is behaviorism?

Behaviorism is a learning theory that emphasizes reinforcement and punishment to encourage or discourage certain behaviors. This theory has been employed in various educational settings, including K-12 and corporate training.

[ No Comments ] Posted by Greten on 20 Feb 2023 under Terms, Theories

What is constructivist learning theory?

Constructivism is a learning theory and approach in which learners build new knowledge and understanding from ongoing experience and their existing knowledge.

[ No Comments ] Posted by Greten on 11 Jan 2023 under Terms, Theories

Pieces of toy blocks forming two towers or buildings, with four pieces scattered.

What is scaffolding?

Scaffolding is a teaching method that helps learners to work on certain exercises that they otherwise cannot complete without it. Scaffolding is meant to be remove eventually as the learner gains mastery of the lesson. In elearning, some of the common scaffolding techniques are hints, tips, and clues that are accessible through hint buttons, characters, and other user interface elements.

[ No Comments ] Posted by Greten on 09 May 2020 under Terms, Theories

A child studing on a laptop, with an adult watching on his back. On their background are three concentric circles: the smallest and innermost is labeled know / can do, the middle circle is labeled know / can do with guidance, and the outermost circle is doesn't know / can't do. The innermost circle surrounds the child's head. The adult is outside the innermost circle but falls in front of the middle circle.

Using emotions to make learning more efficient

Emotion is an important part of the learning process. Designing a learning experience that arouses emotions from the learners can help them learn faster and retain new knowledge in their memory.

[ No Comments ] Posted by Greten on 12 Oct 2019 under Theories

A sad demon and a smiling angel emoticons with a throwing dart between them.

Optimize learning with spacing

Spacing is one of the concepts under AGES model of learning. It includes the spacing effect, spaced repetition, and testing effect. Proper spacing improves learning while cramming is detrimental to its transition to the long-term memory.

[ No Comments ] Posted by Greten on 07 Sep 2019 under Theories

A woman accessing an LMS using a mobile phone, with a clock and a laptop on the desk where she is resting her arms.

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Instructional design and educational technology for effective learning